True Source of Calligraphy and Painting
Artist: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛
Style: Wenfeng (文風派)
This painting called “True Source of Calligraphy and Painting” was inscribed with the name “Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu” also known as H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha Ш. It was painted in Los Angeles, California and clearly reveals the artist’s talent. Mastery is found in each brush stroke. The artist’s profound and extensive erudition and calligraphic skills permeate the painting. Free from worldly conventions and devoid of garishness, this work engenders its own style of painting called the “Wenfeng” style. It points out the path leading to the true source of calligraphy and painting. The entire painting is filled with an air of scholarliness.
這幅被稱為“書畫真源”的畫,是刻有 “雲高益西諾布”(也被稱為H.H.第三世多杰羌佛)的名字。此畫是在加利福尼亞州的洛杉磯創作的,畫裡清楚地展現了羌佛的藝術才華。羌佛淵博的學識與高超的繪畫技巧滲透在每個筆觸裡,擺脫了世俗的束縛與俗氣。這種繪畫風格被稱為“文風派”,它能帶你走進書法和繪畫的真正意境。全畫都充滿着書卷氣。
The “Wenfeng” style
Brushwork skills suggestive of scholarliness and poetic charm embody these paintings.